a visão de tim berners-lee
(escultura de alexander calder, "plutôt jaune", 1965)
"Berners-Lee's original vision of the WWW was of a sea of interactive shared knowledge, in which our computers are memexes whose knowledge base exists in cyberspace rather than microfilm. He presented a vision of the «great brain», as he calls it, as a living organism, a vision that conveyed an oscillating analog/digital sense of the dynamic, interactive information continuum that is the Net and its users" (1)
rosemary simpson [et al.]
(1) SIMPSON, Rosemary, e outros - 50 years after «As we may think» : the Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium [Em Linha]. Providence: Brown University, 1996. [Consult. 13 Fev. 2010 17.24]. Disponível em http://www.cs.brown.edu/memex/Bush_Symposium_Interact_2.html#As%20We%20May%20Think