as aplicações da ciência
(litografia de james rosenquist, "pushbuttons", 1972)
"The applications of science have built man a well-supplied house, and are teaching him to live healthily therein. They have enabled him to throw masses of people against another with cruel weapons. They may yet allow him truly to encompass the great record and to grow in the wisdom of race experience. He may perish in conflict before he learns to wield that record for his true good." (1)
vannevar bush
(1) BUSH, Vannevar apud SIMPSON, Rosemary, e outros - 50 years after «As we may think» : the Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium [Em Linha]. Providence: Brown University, 1996. [Consult. 11 Fev. 2010 23.50]. Disponível em
2 comentários:
jorge, tudo de bom p ti. abraços
abraços, meu caro amigo :)
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