
"hit or miss" (dave smalley)

(fotografia de michael kenna, "swings, catskills mountains, new york", 1977)

"so you want to become a hero
stop the world -- become a hero
we just can't find one anywhere
can't find one anywhere

so you're thinking you're a victim
stop the world cause you're a victim
well, you can find one anywhere
you can find one everywhere

life's just a hit or miss
all the time, just a hit or miss
sometimes you take a swing and miss
a swing and a miss
well sometimes, we take a swing and hit!

now you're thinking about the future
try to picture some kind of future
you just can't see one anywhere -- can't see it anywhere

well we need to find us a hero
can you tell me where are the heroes
who can clean up everywhere
hey g.i. joe, where are you now?
and if I could count the times
that I looked up to the sky
and asked someone to save me. . ." (1)

down by law

(1) retirado do cd dos down by law, punkrockacademyfightsong, de 1994)

are you the one who will save me - the light?

8 comentários:

isabel mendes ferreira disse...






Anónimo disse...

Nice! Abraços do EU, SER IMPERFEITO e d´A SEIVA

Anónimo disse...

really nice :) tacekare!

Anónimo disse...

sorry, takecare *

Luís Galego disse...

há muito que por aqui não passava e flagelo-me por isso...

um abraço

Eme disse...


Pode ser que amanhã te veja sorrir.

Beijinho Jorge.

Bandida disse...

where are the heroes?

hey george!

jorge vicente disse...

the heroes are within us