
O grotesco na arte 2

(quadro de Xia Xiaowan, "Untitled", 1998)

"This is because the grotesque is in its essence a function of that ultimate unknown, the unconscious. All of those weird images, those distortions, those impossible juxtapositions, have their origin in the unconscious, and find their expression in dreams, fantasies, reveries, and lightbulbs over the head. (...)

By now it should be abudantly clear that no objective definition of the grotesque can ever be made. However, this is far from a denial of its existence. It is undoubtably a form of human experience. This experience is fundamentally subjective and interior. (...) Our perception of the grotesque is personal and emotional. What's more, it is subject to radical change over time. Generally, this takes the form of an internal adjustment which favors a new interpretation. We may become accustomed to the grotesque aspects of a thing, developing such a tolerance to it that it no longer appears at all unusual" (1)

Aaron Ross

(1) ROSS, Aaron - "The art of Salvador Dali: from the grotesque to the sublime" [Em linha]. [Consult. 19 Fev. 2008] Disponível em www: http://www.dr-yo.com/grot.html

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