
"patterns" (paul simon)

(pintura de howard hodgkin, "strictly personal", 2000-2002)

"The night sets softly
With the hush of falling leaves,
Casting shivering shadows
On the houses through the trees,
And the light from a street lamp
Paints a pattern on my wall,
Like the pieces of a puzzle
Or a child's uneven scrawl.

Up a narrow flight of stairs
In a narrow little room,
As I lie upon my bed
In the early evening gloom.
Impaled on my wall
My eyes can dimly see
The pattern of my life
And the puzzle that is me.

From the moment of my birth
To the instant of my death,
There are patterns I must follow
Just as I must breathe each breath.
Like a rat in a maze
The path before me lies,
And the pattern never alters
Until the rat dies.

And the pattern still remains
On the wall where darkness fell,
And it's fitting that it should,
For in darkness I must dwell.
Like the color of my skin,
Or the day that I grow old,
My life is made of patterns
That can scarcely be controlled." (1)

paul simon

(1) retirado do cd dos simon & garfunkel, parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme e daqui (1966)


nuno rocha, momentos (2010)

(imagem de Momentos retirada daqui)

Momentos não será, temo dizê-lo, um dos melhores filmes que vi nos últimos tempos, mas serve para nos fazer repensar sobre o verdadeiro significado do Natal, do amor e da redenção. A interpretação de Rui Pena é fabulosa.

Jorge Vicente

(o filme momentos de nuno rocha)


"red tin roof" (alela diane menig)

(obra de tiiu ashcraft, "untitled, II", s/d)

"A frost covered the ground this way
Bit the lilacs petals, turned them brown
They are not in blue pitchers
On the kitchen table anymore

‘Cause my mother is down in Mexico somewhere
And I don’t know if she’s ever coming back.
And my father we talk on the telephone sometimes
But the wires, they’re not long enough to fill this hole
And my brother it’s nice to hear his voice
And reminisce about how we all used to live there
Under the red red red red tin roof

Now all separate we walked away
But I need a grasp to take the cold from my hands
A place to lean on so I can feel those strong breaths again
To feel the shape without the light
Or to sit in the gleam of the living room again

But my mother is down in Mexico somewhere
And I don’t know if she’s ever coming back
And my father we talk on the telephone sometimes
But the wire they’re not long enough to fill this hole
And my brother it’s nice to hear his voice
To reminisce about how we used to live there
Under the red red red red tin roof

Will someone please please help me
Unlock this skeleton from this flesh rest
I think it wants to walk away to some place that no longer exists
Why can’t we back track
So we can all sit up on that hill
And watch the trees along the fence grow
All over again
Why can’t we back track so we can all sit up on that hill
And watch the trees along the fence grow
All over again

‘Cause my mother is down in Mexico somewhere
And I don’t know if she’s ever coming back
And my father we talk on the telephone sometimes
But the wires they’re not long enough to fill this whole
And my brother it’s nice to hear his voice
To reminisce about how we all used to live there
Under the red red red red tin roof

But never again will I hear the rain fall
So good
Never again will I hear the rain fall
So good
Like it did on the red, the red tin roof" (1)

alela diane

(1) retirado do álbum forest parade (2003) e daqui.


luis ballester bustos, la vuelta al mundo de willy fog (1981)

Durante a minha infância, fui acompanhado por vários desenhos animados: Jacky, o Urso de Tallac; Bana e Flapi, Tom Sawyer, Dartacão e os Três Moscãoteiros, a inevitável Abelha Maia e este A Volta ao Mundo com Willy Fog. Muitos desses desenhos animados passaram anos mais tarde na televisão, mas a disponibilidade já não era a mesma. A universidade, as saídas nocturnas, a pouca atenção dispensada aos horários da televisão, o facto de já não ser uma criança magicamente encantada por esse pequeno quadrado que se chama televisão.

Isso há anos atrás. Agora, acabo de me deliciar com o último episódio da série em dvd, mas em inglês. Muitas das situações da série já estavam esquecidas, mas pequenos momentos mantiveram-se intocáveis: a viagem de balão pelo México, a ponte que caiu no meio do oeste americano, o chefe militar inglês que os acompanhou durante parte da viagem. E, claro, as personagens: Willy Fog, Rigodon, Tico, a princesa Romy, os polícias ingleses e o coiote que passava a vida a tentar impedir que Fog concretizasse o seu objectivo, que era dar a volta ao mundo em 80 dias.

Sabe bem ver estes desenhos animados. Revigora-nos e torna-nos mais pequeninos.

Jorge Vicente


"we are the famous five" (rob andrews / les spurr)

(imagem do genérico da série the famous five)

"Where ever there's adventure to be found,
Just a clue or a secret message bring the Famous Five around,
When ever there's a mystery to be solved,
Up in the ruined castle,
or down in Smugglers Cove.

We are the Famous Five,
Julian, Dick and Anne, George and Timmy the dog,
We are the Famous Five,
We're coming back to you,
When ever there's time,
Time after time.

Whatever awaits behind closed doors,
Strange noises in the cellar or the sound of creaky floors,
We never let a mystery pass us by,
Just leave a clue and leave the rest to the Famous Five.

We are the Famous Five,
Julian, Dick and Anne, George and Timmy the dog,
We are the Famous Five,
We're coming back to you,
When ever there's time,
Coming back to you,
Time after time after time." (1)

the famous five

(1) retirado do single dos cinco, "we are the famous five" (1978)


doug liman, fair game (2010)

(capa de fair game, retirada daqui)

Da filmografia completa de Doug Liman, só conhecia Identidade Desconhecida, o filme que trouxe a personagem de Jason Bourne para as capas das revistas de cinema. Nada de muito abonatório, portanto. Cinema de acção, hollywoodesco, daqueles que facturam milhões e milhões de dólares. No entanto, Doug Liman começou, como muitos outros, no cinema independente.

Jogo Limpo (no original Fair Game) não foge à regra. Continua a ser um filme mainstream, vindo da fábrica dos sonhos mas tem a vantagem de ter grandes actores e de ter uma história por detrás que merece a pena ser vista: a história de Valerie Plame, ex-operacional da CIA que descobriu a falcatrua da Administração Bush acerca da invasão do Iraque e que, devido a isso, viu a sua carreira e vida pessoal destruídas. Numa altura em que a Administração Obama está em perigo, importa relembrar a anterior administração e tentar não apagar a memória. Todos os meios sejam eles políticos, literários ou cinematográficos são meios úteis e necessários para que possamos transmitir às gerações mais novas o que realmente aconteceu. Claro que este filme pretende rentabilizar uma história verídica, torná-la vendável ao grande público, mas cinema político faz falta. E se for em defesa da verdade, ainda melhor.

Jorge Vicente


"my brambles" (alela diane menig)

(desenho de will barnet, "circe" (1979)

"Sun is dancin', my darlin'
Arms been holding me all mornin'
Sea is so far from home, my darlin'

But if we'd only feet
It is here that we'd roam
O if we'd just two feet
It is here that we'd roam
And your arms would be keeping me all day

O your love calms my brambles
And your hands bring me sweet lavender
O you love clams my brambles
And your hands bring me sweet lavender

The glow will dance into the mountains
Darkness falls upon the canyon
When the heat is gone my darlin'
Please come gather me" (1)

alela diane


"night prowler" (bon scott / angus young / malcolm young)

(pintura de andy warhol, "love you live" (s/d)

"Somewhere a clock strikes midnight
And there's a full moon in the sky
You hear a dog bark in the distance
You hear someone's baby cry

A rat runs down the alley
And a chill runs down your spine
Someone walks across your grave
And you wish the sun would shine
No one's gonna warn you
And no one's gonna yell 'attack'
And you don't feel the steel
Till it's hanging out your back

I'm your night prowler, asleep in the day
I'm your night prowler, get out of my way
Look out for the night prowler, watch you tonight
I'm the night prowler, when you turn out the light ...

Too scared to turn your light out
'cos there's something on your mind

Was that a noise outside your window?
What's that shadow on the blind?
As you lie there naked
Like a body in a tomb
Suspended animation
As I slip into your room

I'm your night prowler, break down your door
I'm your night prowler, crawling 'cross your floor
I'm your night prowler, make a mess of you, yes I will
Night prowler, and I am telling this to you
There ain't nothing you can do" (1)


(1) retirado do álbum dos ac/dc, highway to hell (1979) e daqui.