
"lilac wine" (james alan shelton)

(fotografia de nobuyoshi araki, "untitled", 1998)

"I lost myself on a cool damp night
I gave myself in that misty light
Was hypnotized by a strange delight
Under a lilac tree

I made wine from the lilac tree
Put my heart in its recipe
It makes me see what I want to see
And be what I want to be

When I think more than I want to think
Do things I never should do
I drink much more that I ought to drink
Because it brings me back you

Lilac wine is sweet and heady,
Like my love
Lilac wine, I feel unsteady,
Like my love

Listen to me, I cannot see clearly
Isn't that she, coming to me
Nearly here

Lilac wine is sweet and heady,
Where's my love
Lilac wine, I feel unsteady,
Where's my love

Listen to me, why is everything so hazy
Isn't that she, or am I just going crazy, dear

Lilac wine, I feel unready for my love
Feel unready, for my love." (1)

jeff buckley

(1) retirado do cd de jeff buckley, grace (1994) e daqui.

4 comentários:

Loan disse...

essa música, esse albúm, é um marco... é belo, como um sopro de furacão.

jorge vicente disse...

É um sopro de furacão, potente, demolidor!

Obrigado pelo comentário!

Grande abraço

pin gente disse...

conheço esta música na voz de katie melua... muito doce, jorge!

um abraço

jorge vicente disse...

Tenho de ouvir, Amiga. E ela é maravilhosa, doce...

Grande abracito