
"reality is a ride on the bus" (mister chi pig)

(fotografia de bruce davidson, "freedom ride from montgomery, al to jackson, ms 1961 (time of change)", 1961)

"My face is buried inside a book
Everybody's wearing a haggard look
The sirens scream, a baby cries
Everyday on this bus I ride

There's a man to my left
Who's got a stump for a hand
I'm staring into a giant cyst
Growing on the face of a Chinese man

Reality is a ride on the bus

The mongoloid is in the back
He's having his snot for lunch
There's a loud mouth sitting next to me
The one that everybody wants to punch

Reality is a ride on the bus

So hop on board and step inside
This sardine can on wheels we'll ride" (1)


(1) retirado do cd dos snfu, something green & leafy this way comes (1993)

2 comentários:

Cássio Amaral disse...


tudo muito bom aqui no seu blog.

bom vir aqui e ler e ver tudo de muito bom nível.

grande abração de luz.

jorge vicente disse...

Saudades suas!

Um abração de luz!