
O método Crítico-Paranóico de Salvador Dali

(quadro de Salvador Dali, "Slave Market with the Invisible Bust of Voltaire", 1940)

"It was in 1929 that Salvador Dali brought his attention to bear on the internal mechanism of paranoiac phenomena and envisaged the possibility of an experimental method based on the sudden power of the systematic associations proper to paranoia; this method afterwards became the delirio-critical synthesis which bears the name «paranoiac-critical activity.» Paranoia: delirium of interpretive association bearing a systematic structure. Paranoiac-critical activity: spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on the interpretive critical association of delirious phenomena." (1)

Salvador Dali

(1) DALI, Salvador apud ROSS, Aaron - "The art of Salvador Dali: from the grotesque to the sublime" [Em linha]. [Consult. 04 Mar. 2008] Disponível em www: http://www.dr-yo.com/grot.html

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

adoro o dali. de paixão :)*

MARIA disse...

Se não fosse Dali, em toda a sua grandiosidade, dir-se-ia apenas ... desconcertante...
Mas é DALI !!!

Um beijinho amigo
