
L. P. Hartley

(fotografia de Max Waldman, "Marat/Sade", 1966)

"After the musical hazards of the evening, the boss shots, the successes snatched from the jaws of failure, the anxiety for myself and other, it was bliss to listen to that lovely voice extolling the joys of home. I thought of my home, and how I should return to it after pleasures and palaces; and I thought of Marian's and how innapropriate to it the epithet humble was. She sang with so much feeling: did she really long for peace of mind in a thatched cottage? It didn't make sense to me" (1)

L.P. Hartley

(1) HARTLEY, L.P. - The Go-Between. 2ªed. Oxford: Heinemann New Windmills, 1985. ISBN 0-435-12299-1. p.159.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Tem aqui textos muito interessantes. Conto voltar. Abraço!

Luís Galego disse...

Tenho uma amizade desmuserada pelo L.P. Hartley...leio, leio, até ficar exausto...é uma doença minha...

Bandida disse...

.."She sang with so much feeling..."

e tu. e tu. e tu.
